Friday, December 14, 2012

Creamy Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal

I have always been told that eating breakfast is a great way to rev up your metabolism for the day.  One theory suggests that eating a healthy low calorie breakfast can reduce your hunger throughout the day and even help you make better food choices at other meals.  It might seem like you could save a lot of calories by skipping breakfast, but this is not a good strategy.  It will put your body into starvation mode and actually slow down your metabolism, causing you to gain more weight when you do decide to eat. 

This recipe is my favorite because it is full of fiber and protein,  keeps me full until lunch, and is less than 200 calories!  I actually did an experiment where I ate Special K cereal every morning with low fat milk for a few weeks (which yielded about 350 calories per serving) and then for the next few weeks I changed to this oatmeal recipe.  Turns out I actually lost 5 pounds!  I guess oatmeal is good for you after all!  So it's safe to say that I no longer eat cereal for breakfast but rather this delicious pumpkin oatmeal.  Here is what you will need for a quick low calorie breakfast that will be ready in 3 minutes or less.

1 packet low sugar maple and brown sugar instant oatmeal (about 100-120 calories per pack)
1 tablespoon of pureed pumpkin 
1 tablespoon vanilla Greek yogurt
A sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg

Cook the instant oatmeal as advised on the packet.  After it is cooked, stir in the pumpkin and yogurt.  Top with spices.  If you are someone who enjoys fruit for breakfast, I usually top my oatmeal with a sliced banana.

This is a great recipe because it offers fiber from the oatmeal, vitamin A from the pumpkin, and calcium and protein from the yogurt.  So put down the cereal and enjoy this amazing holiday breakfast treat that is not only tasty but will also benefit your waist line!

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